Top university in chemistry

in the European Union

An exceptional strength to meet the future challenges

Frontier Research in Chemistry - University of Strasbourg

The foundation is a body governed by private law created by the French government in 2007 to support the Strasbourg cluster of excellence in chemistry, which is internationally renowned.

We aim to develop, promote, and energise this research cluster and encourage greater interaction with the socio-economic world to rise to the biggest challenges facing our society.

Chemistry affects our day-to-day lives in often unforeseen ways. Chemistry and its innovations underpin every major aspect of human activity, both present and future: better living conditions, more sustainable ways of manufacturing and consuming, and alternative ways of communicating and travelling using renewable energy and next-generation recyclable materials.


A word from our Chairman

"Our foundation drives progress in a bid to tackle the scientific, industrial and societal challenges of the 21st century. After 15 years of successful, committed work helping businesses and researchers, the foundation is open to anyone who wants to work with us on innovative and progressive projects."
Former Chairman of the Académie des Sciences

The foundation at a glance

Highlighting the University to the socio-economic world

collected by november 30th 2024
0 M€
Corporate & Foundation Partners

Supporting the most innovative research to accelerate discoveries

awarded through calls for proposals
+ 0 M€
research projects supported
+ 0
young researchers recruited
(PhD, Post-Doc, etc.)
+ 0
scholarships for chemistry students and future researchers

Thanks to our founders

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