What your donations have helped us to do

AXA has teamed up with the Strasbourg campus to support developments in nanomedicine

Donation Amount: €2,25m

“Luisa De Cola has surpassed our expectations: she has been widely published and has also started a company to capitalise on her research. Her startup, SiBreaX, develops hydrogels made from silicate nanoparticles for compound delivery. Her work provides promising prospects for new treatments and a new therapeutic approach using nanomedicine, which seems to already be within reach after only a few years.”
Marie Bogataj
Director, AXA Research Fund

BASF and Strasbourg, a long-standing collaboration

Amount of cumulative donations: €2,4m

“Connections between research and businesses are essential to retain and attract the scientists of tomorrow in France and to provide them with the material means to conduct excellent research. This link is all the more important as it contributes to the country's attractiveness and the competitiveness of our industry. In this regard, I am very proud to renew BASF's commitment in France to the Jean-Marie Lehn Foundation”
Nicolas Naudin
President, BASF France

Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne: a strong partnership to support Strasbourg’s academic research

Amount of cumulative donations: €900,000

“BPALC supports and encourages the foundation’s major ambitious and innovative projects. It aims to be a bank for the people, and its dynamism and efficiency are due in large part to remaining faithful to its founders’ vision of a major regional cooperative bank. It is therefore only natural that as an important partner of the foundation since 2010, it would continue its partnership, signalling its desire to keep supporting these bold, enterprising men and women far into the future.”
Dominique Wein
CEO, Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne

Solvay and the foundation are joining forces to cofinance exceptional chemistry theses

Donation Amount: €500,000

Chang-Bo Huang, the first winner of the Solvay Fellowship, completed his thesis in the laboratory of Paolo Samorì at the Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering (ISIS).

"Thanks to the Ernest Solvay Fund for Chemistry in Strasbourg, we can explore new areas, projects with a strong potential for innovation over the long term, and attract brilliant young researchers to our laboratories. I’m proud of the partnership between Solvay and the University of Strasbourg research teams, made possible by the fund to develop the science and future applications of chemistry.”
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu
Former CEO, Solvay