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Joseph Moran awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant

Joseph Moran, a professor and group leader at the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires is among the 34 researchers carrying out their projects in a French university and who were awarded the 2020 European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grants.

See all of the 2020 grant winners on the ERC website

An ERC Consolidator Grant has been awarded to Joseph Moran, who is already the holder of an ERC Starting Grant, for the “MetabolismOrigins” project. It will enable the researcher from the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires to continue his research into a new, metabolism-driven approach to prebiotic chemistry. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of how and why the biochemistry of life emerged, and to explain how it functions now, based on the fundamental principles of catalysis and organic chemistry.

The Consolidator Grant is intended for young researchers, seven to twelve years after obtaining their doctorate. This year, it was awarded to 327 researchers of 39 nationalities for research projects carried out in 23 different countries. Created in 2007, the European Research Council has made it possible to fund nearly 7 000 projects in ten years, after a strict selection process in which only 11% of the candidate projects are successful. Every year, the ERC awards four types of individual research grants for a period of 5 years (except for the Proof of Concept grant). The sums awarded range from EUR 1.5 million to 3.5 million per researcher

Did you know?

Joseph Moran is the first researcher carrying out his research in France, named “Talented Twelve” in 2018, a group of young, rising stars in chemistry selected by Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) magazine. A recognition that have given him high visibility in the chemical world.

Watch Moran speak at the American Chemical Society national meeting on Aug. 20 in Boston.