Strasbourg Campus

Dendritic nanomaterials for the early diagnosis of cancer

Startup Superbranche, a spin-off from the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials (IPCMS) of Strasbourg was formed in May 2019 aſter 10 years of R&D on hybrid nanomaterials and is positioning itself as a specialized producer of nanomaterials for nanomedicine. Superbranche is developing a new generation of functionalized metallic oxide nanoparticles that are designed to facilitate...

Two new ERC Proof of Concept grants awarded in Strasbourg

This highly selective European funding was awarded to Paolo Samorì, Director of the ISIS (CNRS/Unistra) Nanochemistry Laboratory and to Andrey Klymchenko, Research Director at the Bioimaging and Pathologies Laboratory (UMR 7021 Unistra/CNRS) to explore the innovation potential of their scientific discoveries: materials for purifying water nanoparticles that show cancer...

A joint laboratory to strengthen knowledge about materials for energy transition

The CNRS, the ENS of Lyon, IFPEN, Sorbonne University, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and University of Strasbourg are creating the joint Carmen laboratory for the characterisation of materials for new energy sources. Carmen aims to improve understanding of molecular and/or colloidal transport in complex porous substrates and develop new methodologies for detailed analysis of these porous...

Exceptional meeting with DuPont

On November 13, 2018 at the University of Strasbourg. Dr. Simone ARIZZZI, Technology & Innovation Director, presented the challenges to be met in order to maintain innovation at the highest level of requirement and develop solutions that will meet the challenges of tomorrow.

« Tous Nobels ! », une campagne ambitieuse !

L'Université de Strasbourg et les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg lancent une nouvelle campagne de dons pour récolter d'ici à 2022 50 millions d'euros. Une opération sans précédent dans le monde académique public français.

The Graduate School in Chemistry opened in September 2018

Did you know that the Université de Strasbourg is the only university in France to have created an international school of research and innovation that detects and trains tomorrow’s leading chemists?
This French graduate school has just welcomed its first international promotion, recruited from among the very best.
The Ecole Universitaire de Recherche en Chimie (EUR Chemistry of Complex Systems) is preparing a new generation of researchers to face the profound changes facing chemistry in the years ahead and to respond to industrial and environmental challenges to come.

Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires: an outstanding institute

The "Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires" (ISIS) is an internationally-recognised institute that makes the most of a rather original modus operandi combining public and private laboratories together with start-ups. The senior teams, which include three Nobel laureates in Chemistry, and the junior scientists have carte blanche to develop pioneering ideas. Several private organisations benefit from this unique experience in their R&D. Early in 2019, five new research teams and three company branches will be able to join the success story following the construction of new buildings.