Résultats des appels à projets

Résultats des appels à projets 2025

Au total, 17 projets ont été financés sur 44 projets soumis, soit un taux de sélection de 39%.

Les projets financés sont répartis comme suit :

Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté :

  • NMR LED probe for in situ (supra)molecular characterization of light-responsive systems
  • FTIR microscope for structural studies of self-assemblies and dynamics of complex systems
  • Nanostructuring and handling nanomaterials
  • Mechanochemical functionalisazion of carbon electrode materials by high energy ball milling

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Harnessing the Reactivity of “Super-sugars” in Novel Complexity-generating Cascade Reactions | Philippe COMAPIN
  • SAFERSUN: Towards a new methodology for assessing the photoallergic and phototoxic risks of chemicals in consumer products | Elena GIMENEZ-ARNAU
  • Crafting Chiral Complexity: A Synthetic Toolbox for Advanced Aza-Silaheterocycles | Frédéric LEROUX
  • Towards new antibiotics against anthrax and plague | Myriam SEEMANN
ITI SysChem – Chimie des systèmes Complexes

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Playing with – and learning from – motorized molecular toys (PLAYMOBIL) | Nicolas GIUSEPPONE
  • Developing a coupled nanodisc and electrochemical approach for the study of membrane proteins from the respiratory chain that catalyze oxygen reduction | Petra HELLWIG
  • Sigma-Bond Cleaving Strategies for Alkaloid Skeletal Editing | Amir HOVEYDA
  • Conformational complexity of the disordered N-terminal region in biological function of tumor suppressor p53 protein (“p53 complexity”) | Vladimir TORBEEV
ITI SysChem – Emerging Investigators

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Chiral metallosupramolecular architectures based on copper iodide nanoclusters as new earth-abundant metal-based CPL emitters | Aurélie GUENET
ITI SysChem – Installation
  • Organometallic Catalysis, Organic Synthesis and Health | Stefan CHASSAING
  • Chemistry of Photoresponsive Systems | Mayeul COLLOT
  • Functional Metal-Peptide Assemblies | Irene REGENI
  • Novel self-labeling proteins for chemical biology applications | Adrian SALIC

Liste des projets lauréats des appels à projets passés

Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté :

  • Flow Cytometer | Dominique BONNET
  • Spectrofluorimeter | Frédéric LEROUX
  • Microfluidic plateform | Alain WAGNER

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Exploring the Link between properties And StrucTure usIng a COmbinatorial library of elastin-like peptide | Fouzia BOULMEDAIS
  • Compact Biomacromolecule-Based Materials for Tissue Engineering | Benoit FRISCH
  • isible-light induced activation of CF3-N-allenamides to promote [2+2]-cycloadditions | Laurence Miesch
  • Exploiting the IspG metalloenzyme using innovative molecular tools as a source of inspiration towards unprecedented antibacterial agents | Myriam SEEMANN
Chimie des systèmes Complexes

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Homoleptic N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of group 4 and 14 as effective alternative photosensitizers to heavy metals | Stéphane BELLEMIN-LAPONNAZ
  • Supramolecular Chirogenesis: Switchable CD and CPL in Multi-Responsive Receptors| Valérie HEITZ
  • Polymeric nanoparticles with dynamic covalent chemistry for molecular recognition and fluorescence detection of neurotransmitters | Andrey KLYMCHENKO
  • Photo-electrocatalytic reduction of NOx catalyzed by polyoxometalates: mechanism insight, in situ characterization by differential electrochemical mass spectrometry | Laurent RUHLMANN
  • Enzyme-triggered membrane-less organelle formation with high protein partitioning | Pierre SCHAAF
  • Exploiting bacterial iron uptake pathways to deliver drugs: Investigation at the single cell level the expression of the bacterial iron uptake pathways | Isabelle SCHALK
Emerging Investigators

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Exploring spin communication in photogenerated triplet-radical systems based on naphthalene diimides | Rodrigo VARGAS JENTZSCH
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté :

  • Differential refractive index detector for Size Exclusion Chromatography | Fouzia BOULMEDAIS
  • Electron microscopy platform for the operando study of nanomaterials | Ovidiu ERSEN

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Mechanosynthesis and wafers-shaping of 2D and mixed 2D/3D hybrid perovskites for designing new X-Ray detector with improved stability and performance | Sylvie BEGIN-COLIN
  • Atropisomeric halogen bond donors | Xavier BUGAUT
  • Quantified Noncovalent Interactions for the Prediction of Reactivity | Jean-Pierre DJUKIC
  • Eight-shaped pillar[10]arene analogues: synthesis and incorporation in Solomon links | Jean-François NIERENGARTEN
Chimie des systèmes Complexes

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Broad-spectrum antiviral coatings using chemically modified graphene | Alberto BIANCO
  • Towards a molecular understanding of synaptic transduction | Marco CECCHINI
  • Symmetry and Chirality under Strong coupling | Thomas EBBESEN
  • Driving (supra)molecular systems Uphill with artificial molecular motors (DreamUp) | Nicolas GIUSEPPONE
  • Detection of the catalytic reaction in membrane proteins in biomimetic plasmonic nanopores by infrared microscopies | Petra HELLWIG
  • ATP-Fuelled Artificial non-equilibrium Systems (FASt) | Giulio RAGAZZON
  • Versatile Molecular Spin States for Spin-Qubits | Vincent ROBERT
  • Air stable radical ion pairs for supramolecular nanomaterials | Jean WEISS
Emerging Investigators

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Acridinium pi-dimer for Motion of Large Amplitude on Surfaces | Henri-Pierre JACQUOT
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté :

  • NIR sensitive spectrofluorometer for accurate photophysical characterizations of NIR emitting dyes and particles | Luc LEBEAU
  • Upgrade of the Cronenbourg NMR Core Facility research spectrometer magnet | Frédéric LEROUX

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Anisotropic properties of complex self-assembled nanocellulose-based materials | Olivier FELIX
  • SN2′-Reactions on Polyfluorinated N-Allenamides to generate 1,1-Difluoroalkene Carbonyl Mimics| Laurence MIESCH
  • Hidden treasure of λ3-chloranes: new horizon for the synthetic chemistry | Joanna WENCEL-DELORD
Chimie des systèmes Complexes

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Structural analysis of peptide-lipid nanoparticles with a range of therapeutic activities | Burkard BECHINGER
  • Prebiotic ecosystems of synergistic early cells | Claudia BONFIO
  • Enantioselective beta-Arylation of Alcohols via the Productive Merger of Relay Ru/Rh-Catalysis and Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of Transient alpha-Aryl Aldehydes | Pawel DYDIO
  • Understanding the importance of thiols for biological active copper-ligand complexes | Peter FALLER
  • Strong-CPL: enhancing circularly polarized luminescence via strong coupling | Cyriaque GENET
  • Innovative Development of Light-gated Piezo Channels with Chemical Photoswitches | Thomas GRUTTER
  • Molecular-engineered biradicals as two-qubit gates (QBIRAD) | Mario RUBEN
  • Harnessing chemical complexity in high-performance flexible rechargeable Zn-ion batteries (ComplexZnBatt) | Paolo SAMORI
  • Micropatterning Controlled By Enzyme-Assisted Self-Assembly Through Liesegang-like Processes | Pierre SCHAAF
  • Protein complex with rotaxane polypeptide chain topology: design, synthesis, biophysical properties and applications in vivo | Vladimir TORBEEV
Emerging Investigators

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Self-Assembling De Novo Peptides as Innovative Crystallization Scaffold | Vincent LEBRUN
Installation de nouvelles équipes de recherche à Strasbourg :
  • Enantioselective Oxidative Aromatization | Xavier BUGAUT
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté : aucun projet sélectionné


Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Lignin-based covalent adaptative networks (LigniCAN) | Luc AVEROUS
  • Design of self-assembled THermoresponsive macromolecular nanostructures for the delivery of Essential OilS (THEOS) | Fouzia BOULMEDAIS
  • Development of a fully catalytic method of enantioselective difluoromethylation towards difluoromethylated bioisosteres (DiFluChir) | Frédéric LEROUX
  • Site-specific monitoring of RNA G-quadruplex dynamics and interactions with an isomorphic fluorescent nucleoside analogue | Yves MELY
  • Transition metal/oxide heterostructures for electrocatalysis of oxidation of complex fuels | Elena SAVINOVA
Chimie des systèmes Complexes

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Case studies of nonlinear effects in asymmetric catalysis: elucidating principals and applications | Stéphane BELLEMIN-LAPONNAZ
  • Photothermal therapy mediated by multifunctional 2D materials | Alberto BIANCO
  • Complex out-of-equiIibrium molecular rotors | Nicolas GIUSEPPONE
  • ATP-controlled erasing and rewriting in macromolecular information networks | Jean-François LUTZ
  • Controlling Regioselectivity through Vibrational Strong Coupling | Joseph MORAN
  • SUPRAmolecularly engineered chemical SENSors based on metal nanoparticles for detection of metal ions (SUPRASENS) | Paolo SAMORI
Emerging Investigators

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Pi-Anion Interactions as a Design Principle for Organometallic Catalysts | David LEBOEUF
  • 89Zr-labeled radioimmunoconjugates with bispidine ligands | Aline NONAT
Installation de nouvelles équipes de recherche à Strasbourg :
  • Towards the emergence of modern cells | Claudia BONFIO
  • Assembly of KInetically-trapped Nanomaterials (AKIN) | Giulio RAGAZZON
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté

  • Ultraclean van der Waals Heterostructures | Bernard DOUDIN
  • Liquide-Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for Sensitive and Accurate Peptide Analysis | Peter FALLER
  • State of the Art Computational Tools for a better understanding of experimental results | Marc HENRY
  • Improvement of the Cronenbourg NMR facility | Frédéric LEROUX
Innovation :

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • A Unified Approach to Nogalamycin-Related Anthracyclines through Catalytic Hydrogen Atom Transfer-initiated Reactions | Philippe COMPAIN
  • Ultrafast spectroscopy of conical intersections in biomimetic photoswitches | Stefan HAACKE
  • In situ chemical reactivity of p-phenylenediamine, a major skin sensitizer, in reconstructed human epidermis: A quantititative HRMAS NMR approach | Jean-Pierre LEPOITTEVIN
  • Atomic-scale magnetometry using a single-molecule spin sensor | Laurent LIMOT
Chimie des systèmes complexes :

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Enantio- and Chemoselective Supramolecular Catalysis in Water  using Metal Nanoparticles Stabilized with SPO-Capped Cyclodextrins | Dominique ARMSPACH
  • Allosterically controlled synthesis and properties of [2]rotaxanes | Valérie HEITZ
  • Giant molecular machines | Jean-François NIERENGARTEN
  • Deciphering protein-protein interactions involving intrinsically disordered proteins | Vladimir TORBEEV
  • Organo- & MetalloCatalysis towards C-Glycosides | Patrick PALE
  • New strategy for gene therapy in the lung | Luc LEBEAU
  • Structural foundations of peptide-based membrane mesophases with much enhanced biological activities | Burkhard BECHINGER
  • Fighting antibiotic resistance by targeting the bacterial LytB enzyme | Myriam SEEMANN
Emerging Investigators :

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Heterogeneous Reusable Catalysts bearing Gold Nanoparticules for C-Heteroatome Bond Forming Reactions | Gaelle BLOND
  • Flow chemistry for prebiotic complex systems | Kamila MUCHOWSKA
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté

  • HRMAS NMR for chemical sciences | Jean-Pierre LEPOITTEVIN
  • Temperature controlled multi-detector module for advanced Size Exclusion Chromatography | Philippe MESINI
  • Scanning Probe Microscope for compositional, electrical/electronic, magnetic and mechanical characterization of nanostructured thin films  | Paolo SAMORI
Innovation :

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Carbene-supported Potent and Tunable Organometallic Lewis acids | Samuel DAGORNE
  • Magnetic control of chemical separation by selective precipitation | Bernard DOUDIN
  • Chiral supramolecular self-assemblies for chiral light | Cyriaque GENET
  • Synthesis of Cycloheptadienes by Cascade Cyclocarbopalladation Access to New Polycyclic Scaffolds | Jean SUFFERT
Chimie des systèmes complexes :

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • UCLA: UpConversion of Light in discrete molecular Assemblies | Loic CHARBONNIERE
  • Triarylamine-based Supramolecular Nanotubes as Tiny Solenoids (SuNSol) | Nicolas  GIUSEPPONE
  • Strong coupling of hydrogen bonding modes in respiratory complex I during NADH oxidation | Petra HELLWIG
  • Tuning supramolecular interactions with rotating magnetic fields | Thomas HERMANS
  • Crystal Welding (Crystweld) | Wais HOSSEINI
  • Sulfur chemistry to understand the origin of energy conservation in metabolism | Joseph MORAN
  • Contribution of the MEP pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis to bacterial cell-cell communication in multi-species biofilms of medical interest | Michel ROHMER 
Emerging Investigators :

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Electronic bifurcation with redox-active earth-abundant metal complexes: biomimetism for synthetic challenges | Sylvie CHOUA
  • Towards a systematically improvable density matrix functional embedding theory for strongly correlated electronic systems | Emmanuel FROMAGER
  • Antioxidant versus prooxidant systems in dermatological events: a novel EPR approach to study xenobiotic-mediated radicals in the skin. Project Acronym: DERMATOX | Elena GIMENEZ
  • Controlled deposition of cyclic peptides for the synthesis of monodisperse short « peptipipes » for biomedical applications | Cécilia MENARD MOYON
  • Artificial proteins through kinetically controlled polymer assembly | Andreas REISCH
Installation de nouvelles équipes de recherche à Strasbourg :
  • Multi-Catalyst Systems for Energy Efficient Chemical Synthesis | Amir HOVEYDA
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté

  • Nanoparticle characterization |Jean-Serge REMY
  • Unravel mechanistic aspects using the Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry | Laurent RUHLMANN
Innovation :

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Chemical Biology of Sorangicin (CBOS) | Nicolas BLANCHARD
  • From redox-active antimalarials to fluorescent probes for in situ real-time monitoring of oxidative stress gradients in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Acronym: fluoplasmo) | Elisabeth DAVIOUD-CHARVET
  • Superacid-Mediated Access to Challenging Trifluoromethoxylated and other Fluoroalkylated Scaffolds (SuperFlOx) | Frédéric LEROUX
  • Microwave Spectroscopy of Spin Triangles (MiSSTri) | Philippe TUREK
Chimie des systèmes complexes :

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Direct regiodivergent and enantioselective hydroarylation of allylic alcohols using bi-catalytic strategy with Ru-/Rh-relay and Ir-/Rh-relay |
    Pawel DYDIO
  • Towards understanding biomineralization: a coupled multiscale theoretical and experimental approach | Ovidiu ERSEN
  • Innovative Chemical Labelling Strategies for Super Resolution Imaging of Membrane Receptors in Native Tissues | Thomas GRUTTER
  • New light-activated drugs to fight melanoma cancer | Valérie HEITZ
  • Synthesis of giant uniform polymers | Jean-François LUTZ
  • Organic Synthesis and Catalysis Under Vibrational Strong Coupling | Joseph MORAN
  • Theory for Singlet Fission: From the Static Picture to Quantum Dynamics | Vincent ROBERT
  • Synthetic and Optical Control of Quantum States in Molecular Qudits | Mario RUBEN
  • Towards time-resolved in situ photoelectron spectroscopy as a tool for understanding oxygen electrocatalysis in membrane water electrolysis | Elena SAVINOVA
  • Development of new diagnostic reagents for Alzheimer’s disease that specifically target distinct amyloid polymorphs | Vladimir TORBEEV
Emerging Investigators :

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Micro-patterned optomechanical surfaces | Mauro MATTEO
  • In-situ control over morphology in organic photovoltaics | Amparo RUIZ
Installation de nouvelles équipes de recherche à Strasbourg :
    • Multi-Catalyst Systems for Energy Efficient Chemical Synthesis | Amir HOVEYDA
Synergie locale

Permet l’achat de petits équipements en commun au service de la communauté

  • A Compact Mass Spectrometer for a Better/Optimal analysis and Reaction Monitoring | Françoise COLOBERT
  • Fluorocarbon conjugates: new concept to increase the metabolic stability of GPCR peptides | Marcel HIBERT
  • SampleXpress Lite | Luc LEBEAU
  • Structural and functional studies of proteins and supramolecular assemblies by vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) | Vladimir TORBEEV
Innovation :

Finance les projets les plus innovants en chimie

  • Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy in the UV Visible to unravel the photophysics of the firefly bioluminescence | Stefan HAACKE
  • Chemical mapping with atomic-scale resolution | Laurent LIMOT
  • From pillar[n]arenes to strained-alkyne containing macrocycles for copper-free click reactions | Jean-François NIERENGARTEN
  • Mechanistic investigation of the bacterial cis-trans isomerase of unsaturated fatty acids: a new source of inspiration for the development of innovative antibacterial strategies? | Myriam SEEMANN
Chimie des systèmes complexes :

Soutient les projets les plus ambitieux dans ce domaine

  • Self-assembled backbone homologated beta and gamma peptide-based hydrogels in combination with carbon nanomaterials | Alberto BIANCO
  • Supramolecular Architecture for unachievable distal aliphatic C-H activation | Françoise COLOBERT
  • Bio-inspired nano-reinforced LbL-composite materials
    Gero DECHER
  • Auxiliary catalysis: beta-arylation of alcohols by dual relay of cooperative transition-metal catalysts | Pawel DYDIO
  • Modifying chemical reactivity through quantum entanglement | Thomas EBBESEN
  • Mimics of the trimeric copper uptake domain of the Cu transporter Ctr1: Coordination chemistry and Cu-exchange with amyloid-beta | Peter FALLER
  • Supramolecular oscillations in a perylenediimide based self-assembling system | Thomas HERMANS
  • Asymmetric Labeling to probe Homodimer Interfaces by Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry approaches | Emmanuelle LEIZE-WAGNER
  • Directed Brønsted Acidity: Overriding Inherent Regiocontrol through Spatial Preorganization | Joseph MORAN
  • Study of sigma-hole interactions in solution: design synthesis and applications of new halogen and chalcogen bond donors | Patrick PALE
  • Nanotubes of cyclic porphyrin dimers – tetramers or oligomers and inclusion of polyoxometalate(s) | Laurent RUHLMANN
  • Complex AdaPtive self-assembled neTworks for ion and hUmidity sensing through optoelectronic REadout (CAPTURE) | Paolo SAMORI
  • Functional welded crystals | Wais HOSSEINI
  • Chemistry of skin vs respiratory allergens in Reconstructed Human Epidermis: a new approach to study proteic complex systems combining HRMAS NMR and proteomic mass spectrometry | Jean-Pierre LEPOITTEVIN
Emerging Investigators :

Soutient de jeunes chercheurs talentueux souhaitant développer leur indépendance dans le domaine de la chimie des systèmes complexes

  • Nematic phases on the surface of lipid bilayers : key for the understanding of the biological function of membrane peptides? | Christopher AISENBREY
  • Sequentially-ligated peptide blocks as DNA carriers in gene therapy | Delphine CHAN-SENG